The necessity for you to guard your business against cyber-attacks has never been more crucial as network security risks are continually on the rise. Regardless of whether your company’s data and information are stored on a hard drive or sent through e-mails, being wary of network security risks, knowing how to prevent them, and hiring a managed IT security provider can help you alleviate any possible data breaches.
Most Common Network Security Risks
Here are some five most common network security threats you need to be vigilant about:
1. Phishing
This type of online fraud is designed to steal sensitive information, such as credit card numbers and passwords. Phishing attacks impersonate reputable banking institutions, websites, and personal contacts, which come in the form of immediate phishing e-mails or messages designed to look legitimate.
Once you click the URL or reply to the messages, you are prompted to enter your financial details or use your credentials, which then sends your data to the malicious source.
2. Computer Viruses
These are pieces of software designed to spread from one computer device to another. Mostly they are downloaded from particular websites or sent as e-mail attachments with the intent of infecting your computer as well as other computers on your contact list through systems on your network. They can disable your security settings, send spam, steal and corrupt data from your computer, and even delete every single thing on your hard drive.
3. Malware/Ransomware
Malware is a malicious software mostly used by criminals to hold your system, steal your confidential data, or install damaging programs in your device without your knowledge. It spreads spyware, Trojans, and worms through pop-up ads, infected files, bogus websites, or e-mail messages.
On the other hand, ransomware is a type of malware where the cyber-criminals lock your device through a bad app or phishing e-mails then request a ransom to unlock the device. It can hinder you from running applications, encrypting your files, and even from completely using your device.
4. Rogue Security Software
This is malicious software that deceives users by making them believe that their security measures are not up-to-the-minute or their computer has a virus. They then offer to help you install or update the user’s security settings by asking you to pay for a tool or download their program to help do away with the alleged viruses. This can lead to the installation of actual malware in your device.
5. Denial-Of-Service Attack
A denial-of-service attempts to hinder legitimate users from accessing services or information from a website. It happens when malicious attackers overload a website with traffic. It is carried out by one computer and its internet connection, which may enable the intruder to access your credentials. A distributed denial-of-service is similar to the denial-of-service but is harder to overcome. This is because it is launched from different computers that are distributed all over the globe. The network from these compromised computers is called a botnet.
How To Prevent Network Security Threats
- Never pay ransom to any individual
- Always identify any unusual traffic activity
- Reduce visits to unfamiliar websites
- Use authentication as well as strong passwords
- Be cautious of public Wi-Fi
- Keep your antivirus up-to-the-minute
- Employ the services of a managed IT security provider
How Hiring A Managed IT Security Provider Can Help You To Maintain Your Network Secured From Online Threats?
A managed IT security provider can help you to remain ahead of the attackers by assisting you to:
- Identify the emerging trends in data sets
- Identify weaknesses in your network security infrastructure
- Provide cyber-security training to your team
- Help your business with compliance
- Carry out backups
- Update your cyber-security defences
- Enjoy 24 hours a day network monitoring to prevent any risks
The Bottom-Line
There is no single excuse for leaving your company susceptible to attacks in a world where cyber-criminals continue to invent new malicious attack methods daily. Be sure to practice day-to-day prevention and, more importantly, to hire a well-trained supplier of IT security services.